How to Use Technology to Grow Your Business

Smartphones, laptops, tablets, music players – you name them! How would our lives be without them?

There’s no denying the impact that technology has on our lives. With the rapid growth of the internet, most businesses have gone the digital way.

According to, over two billion people purchased goods online with sales hitting 4.28 trillion US dollars in 2020. Whoa, that’s a third of the world population!

If your business strategies in Melbourne don’t incorporate the use of technology, you’re missing out big. Below are different ways to use technology to scale up and maximize profits.

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1.Make Use of Social Networks

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Reddit, Quora – just to name a few, have grown tremendously over the years. A lot of people use these social networks daily for different reasons. By the end of 2020, Facebook alone had 2.8 billion monthly active users around the world.

If properly utilized, that’s quite a huge potential market. It’s time you turned those clicks and status updates on your timeline into something that can generate an income. A Digital Marketing Agency in Melbourne is the right place to start.

They help you improve your brand awareness, generate leads and increase sales. By keeping your posts informative, entertaining and fresh, your followers will be eager to make purchase decisions.

2. Invest In a Good Website

One thing that customers look for before they make a purchasing decision is credibility. A website gives you just that. Also, it ensures that your business is ‘open’ at all times. This means that anyone can access your goods or services at any time – no matter where they are.

Engage your customers by giving valuable information through articles, blogs or videos. Having these posted on the site has a positive impact on purchasing decisions. When customers learn to trust such information, it makes it easier for them to buy.

When the information posted on your site is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) optimized, your site ranks higher. It
directs more traffic to your site which increases the number of potential leads. Visit a Web Design Agency in Melbourne and give your business an online presence.

3. Make Customer Engagement a Priority

Customers are the lifeline of your business. Since they invest their time, money in the business, it’s important to engage them at all times. Make it a priority to handle any issues they raise adequately.

You can engage your customers on different platforms. Social media is one of them. Here, you can respond to their messages, comments or questions. Make sure that you attend to any issues raised as soon as possible.

Another way is by use of online surveys and questionnaires. By responding to specific questions, they give valuable insight on the need-to-improve areas of your business.

Online or web-based call centers are also a great way to engage your clients. Through them, you’re able to listen and provide solutions in real-time. When customers know that you’re ready to listen to them, they’ll be eager to buy from you.

Digital Marketing Agency Melbourne

4. Use Technology to Manage Your Finances

There’re several ways to use technology to track your expenses and prevent loss of money. By use of excellent IT solutions in Melbourne, you can have a new way of making money by selling online.

Sending online invoices will reduce the costs of delivering the same to customers. Embracing web-based payments enhances security and fast – tracks the sales process.

By using a good accounting software, you’ll be able to track your business performance. It will also help you keep track of your budget and file your taxes online.

5. Take Advantage of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing allows you or your employees to access data from a remote server through the internet. It’s a cheap and cost-effective way since anyone can access such information wherever they are. The different forms of cloud services are;

  • Cloud storage – to store your files for easy access. Enables sharing files across different devices
  • Cloud back-up – used to back up your files in case your server crashes
  • Cloud hosting – it enables sharing of information through emails, applications and websites

The Cloud computing enables your business to save on IT costs.  Since there’s no need for multiple computers for storage and back up. It also gives you flexibility and a seamless continuity of operations.

6. Consider Raising Equity Online

You may have a great business idea or have seen an untapped market with huge potential. But the downside? You can’t raise enough funds to take the opportunity before anyone else does.

Lack of funds should not stop you from realizing your dream. You can take advantage of equity crowdfunding. Where you convince people about your idea through an online video or documents. If they buy into your idea, they fund your project as investors.

Accessing a business investment in Melbourne is another option. After going through your business plan, a team of investment experts will hold your hand throughout to make your decision making easier.

Modern technology provides a host of business solutions in Melbourne. If you’re looking for ways to grow your business efficiently and cost-effectively, contact us for premium business solutions.  


This blog "How to Use Technology to Grow Your Business" originally posted HERE.


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